Ice Bridge (Niagara Falls, New York: 1883)
Ice Bridge
Niagara Falls, New York
G Barker, Photographer
US Library of Congress: "No know restrictions on use."

Jackson, G. (2015). Baby It's Cold Outside. In Silver Linings
    (p. 25). Bon Air, Virginia: DR Publishers.

Buffalo, New York
Blizzard of 77
Niagara Falls, New York
Snow Storm

Chapter 7

Baby It's Cold Outside (Jackson)

Being poised had helped me secure a job in a suburb of Buffalo, New York. However, as many people in the United States know, Buffalo has a newsworthy reputation of having particularly cold, snowy and dangerous winters. My first winter, the Blizzard of 77, was headline news in the US and also England. Because I grew up in London, I had no reference point to prepare me for surviving unbelievably low wind chills. I vividly recall needing to run as fast as I could from a car to the apartment (UK: flat), in order to avoid freezing to death!

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